Click on each icon below to see frequently asked questions by area or topic.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please be assured that we appreciate your continued business and support during this time of growth and change!

Working With Us
Will you be having in-person tax appointments this year?
No, due to COVID-19 we will be working remotely with our clients via phone calls, video conferencing and email.
I prefer to have an in-person appointment. Is that possible?
This has been a very difficult decision for us. For over 50 years we have been meeting face-to-face with our clients, and always looked forward to this time of year to see them. However, we are committed to doing our part to “stop the spread” and to maintain business continuity during this unprecedented situation.
Please feel confident that we can successfully accomplish everything via the phone, video conferencing or email.
Can I call the office with questions?
Absolutely! We do our best to answer all calls when possible. We encourage you to leave a voice mail or email us with any questions or concerns. Our goal is to return phone calls and emails within 48 hours.
Some days are busier than others, so we appreciate your patience and understanding.

Getting Documents To Us
How can I get my source documents to you?
Drop off
There is a locked drop box located to the left of our main entrance in the back of the building. Drop off your documents in a sealed envelope.
You do not need to call ahead to drop off your documents. Our staff checks the locked drop box every ½ hour during the hours of:
Monday – Friday from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday – Sunday from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
US Mail
Mail your documents to us via
regular or express mail to:
Ciampi Tax and Financial Services, LLC
2278 Waterbury Road
Cheshire, CT 06410
Secure Portal
Please email or call us to obtain an email invitation to setup a profile with a username and password to access the secure portal.
Please keep your username and password in a safe place for future reference as we do not have access to that information.
What should I include with my source documents?
Please include all sources of income (such as W2’s 1099’s, investment and interest statements, etc.) Detailed expense information, such as contributions, tax payments, mortgage interest, etc. will also be needed. Please review additional items in the Source Document Checklist.
It is critical that you include with your source documents the Client Contact Information Form as many tax-related issues and important dates are changing constantly during this challenging time, and communication with you will be crucial.
Must I include a voided check in order to get my refund?
Yes. A voided check helps ensure that we have current and correct bank account information for direct deposit or debit. If you do not feel comfortable providing a voided check, we will confirm your banking information during documentation review and again during your scheduled appointment.
Do I need to make a copy of my original source documents?
No, it is not necessary, unless you wish to refer to those documents during your phone or video appointment. As customary, you will receive all original documents back in your final tax folder once it has been completed.

Scheduling Your Appointment
When can I schedule my phone or video conferencing appointment?
After all necessary documentation is dropped off, you can…
- Call 203-271-3801
- Email
- Book online through Calendly
How does a video conferencing appointment work?
We use Zoom for our video conferencing appointments. Upon scheduling a Zoom appointment with us, you will receive an email with a secure link to the Ciampi Tax “Zoom Room” for your scheduled time.
For security purposes, we will only allow expected parties to enter the “Zoom Room” during your appointment.
How will I know if I'm missing any documents that are needed for my appointment?
Upon review of your file, we will contact you for any missing documentation. An initial discussion may be necessary to review and clarify some critical pieces of information, such as life changes, stimulus payments, liabilities, refunds and confirmation of banking information.
Please note that we require a minimum of 5 business days after receiving all required documentation to schedule your actual tax appointment.

During Your Appointment
What will be discussed during my appointment?
In addition to discussing tax strategies most relevant to you or your family’s situation, we will review your tax filing in detail and answer any questions. We will confirm stimulus payment receipt, life changes that impact your filing, and banking information.
How do I get my taxes e-filed?
Upon completion of your return, you will need to sign IRS Form 8879, your letter of engagement, and have your invoice paid in full, prior to our firm e-filing your return.
You will be able to sign all necessary forms when you pickup your final tax folder. Electronic signing of forms is not acceptable by the IRS.

After Your Appointment
Should I call you if I do not receive my refund?
Please go online to the appropriate taxing agency website. You will need your social security number, filing status and refund amount to track your refund. Our office does not have any additional insight as to your refund’s status.
How do I get my final tax folder and source documents back?
We offer two options. We strongly recommend you pick up your final tax folder from our office during scheduled office hours. We feel this is the safest and most secure option. We will contact you when your file is ready.
Or we can mail your package to your home for a small postage and handling fee that will be added to your final invoice.
Will there be someone I can speak with when picking up my final folder?
Our pickup staff will be handling package pickups only during scheduled times.

Billing and Payments
How do I pay my invoice?
As a reminder, we require payment in full before package pickup or mailing.
We have two payment options.
- We accept personal checks payable to Ciampi Tax and Financial Services LLC which can be dropped in our locked drop box or mailed to our office.
- You may visit our secure and encrypted payment platform to make a debit or credit card payment.
Will I get a receipt of my payment?
Your canceled check will serve as your receipt. If you pay by credit or debit card via our payment platform, and include your email address, you will receive a payment confirmation.
Since I will not be seeing you in person this year, will I see a decrease in my invoice?
Unfortunately, COVID-19 has not prevented the increase of normal operational costs. Additionally, as we continue to improve the quality and adaptability of our services, we have experienced additional expenses. We’re confident that our prices remain competitive for the quality of service that we provide. We work hard to minimize price increases to the least amount possible.