Refund Status

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
The IRS offers a convenient tool to check the status of your federal tax return and refund at any time.
What You’ll Need
- Your Social Security Number (SSN) or ITIN
- Your filing status
- The exact refund amount rounded to the nearest whole dollar:
- Drop amounts under 50 cents
- Increase amounts from 50 to 99 cents to the next dollar
- For example:
- $375.30 becomes 375
- $375.50 becomes 376

Connecticut Department of Revenue Services (CTDRS)
Connecticut taxpayers can use this tool to track the status of their state tax return and refund.
What You’ll Need
- Your Social Security Number (SSN) or your spouse’s SSN (if filing jointly, use the SSN listed first on the return)
- The exact refund amount rounded to the nearest whole dollar:
- Drop amounts under 50 cents
- Increase amounts from 50 to 99 cents to the next dollar
- For example:
- $375.30 becomes 375
- $375.50 becomes 376